
Multiverse: The evolution of human beings has been a topic of great interest but the most important thing is the birth of our universe itself and the possibilities of different universes like ours.In the recent times, the scientists have confirmed the possibility of a multiverse. Multiverse is the existence of different universes each having a version of itself.To make things simpler, let us assume we live in the first version of earth and there are many version of earth.In Earth 1(our world) let us assume ourselves as a taxi driver who is always good at whatever he does.But, the same person in other versions of the earth may not be the taxi driver but can be anyone leading to millions of possibilities.The observable universe is 46.8 billion years making it difficult task for finding out the possibilities of a universe which is same as ours. Proofs Of Multiverse Cosmic Microwave Background radiation is useful in predicting the origin of the un...