Machine Learning can Make You Healthier
21st century is full of machine lerning and artificial intelligence.Sooner or later, machines will be able to think efficiently and faster than us.Our Brain looks like perfectly coded machine which perceives,processes and transmits information.Machine learning is evolving and now consumer decision with messy data can be handled carefully.
How does this help HealthCare??
HealthCare is a major issue with many countries unable to provide basic healthcare.Choosing the right medicine is always a tricky one.Many forums and blogs are flooded with questions from consumers about choosing the right medicine.MIT spinout dMetriics believes that this information is a treasure trove for healthcare.The startup has developed a platform called Decision Making which uses machine learning and language processing.
How Does It Work???
Let's imagine that a person wants to know about drug C and the expression goes in this way
"I was prescribed by the doctor to use drug A, but after searching the internet i found drug B to be better as it didnt require too much sleep.But,i also found that drug C is helpful.Can you please tell me which one to use??"
Human expressions cant be decoded by machines.The search results you see on google are due to the presence of keywords.But, the machine learning capability of dMetrics lets the computer understand the problem of the consumer.It understands the meanings of words and relates the "wellness" and "suffering".dMetrics now has a database of every public comment about illness,solutions pulled over from 1 million online sources which includes mpre than 14,000 health care products.
Fast Forward
dMetrics now aims to help more sectors with its machine learning capability.Sectors like healthcare, politics, consumer finace have huge data which is unstructured.
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