3 Keys for successful negotiation

Negotiations are one of the most important things in the corporate world.Every minute, thousands of dollars are earned by companies thanks to their good negotiation skills.MIT Sloan professors believe that these five rules can lead to better negotiations. Let's get started... Parties/Interests Analyzing the person across the table gives us an edge over our opponent.Firstly consider not just the person with you across the table but, also the whom your opponent can relate to.When you are negotiating on behalf of your company, you should not just consider the CEO, but also COO and others who are crucial to the success of a company. Alternative Options Sometimes, business deals never happen in spite of your great negotiations skills.So, for your company to be successful you need to rethink how to be successful if the deal fails.Alternatives help us in understanding the problems related to the deal and can give us an outlook on how to overcome the problem. Tricks Not ev...