
Showing posts from March, 2018

3 Keys for successful negotiation

Negotiations are one of the most important things in the corporate world.Every minute, thousands of dollars are earned by companies thanks to their good negotiation skills.MIT Sloan professors believe that these five rules can lead to better negotiations. Let's get started... Parties/Interests Analyzing the person across the table gives us an edge over our opponent.Firstly consider not just the person with you across the table but, also the whom your opponent can relate to.When you are negotiating on behalf of your company, you should not just consider the CEO, but also COO and others who are crucial to the success of a company. Alternative Options Sometimes, business deals never happen in spite of your great negotiations skills.So, for your company to be successful you need to rethink how to be successful if the deal fails.Alternatives help us in understanding the problems related to the deal and can give us an outlook on how to overcome the problem. Tricks Not ev...

Earliest presence of Hydrogen Detected

In a recent study done by the astronomers at MIT, they have successfully traced the presence of hydrogen which dates back to 180 million years ago.This experiment also explains that the universe was colder than expected.Scientists believe that this could be the earliest detection of Hydrogen gas. Scientists believe that the state of Hydrogen traced can be only at the time of their initial contact with the first ever formed stars.The stars that formed for the first time should have interacted with these hydrogen gases.The result was that hydrogen could start absorbing background radiation which was instrumental in detecting the Hydrogen gases in the form of radio waves.These findings reveal that the universe might have been  2 times colder than previously expected.The temperature could be as much as 3 kelvins or -454 degrees Fahrenheit. How did they do This?? Scientists detected the presence of Hydrogen gases using EDGES(Experiment to detect global EoR signature).A...

Cellular Bionics: The Interesting Future

The future is beautiful yet full of intriguing possibilities.The improvement of AI is definitely going to change to change the world.But, what are some other areas where the world will change its course to evolve into something new? Cellular Bionics is definitely going to change the world.It is the science of fusing of living and non -living which promises to change bioengineering and design.It also has several advantages like environmental sensing, self-repair, regeneration, and reproduction, directed evolution and communication.This field is exciting as it will unlock the boundaries between the living and the non-living organisms. How does it help?? This field will be useful in exploring the unseen boundaries of the cells and the model cellular bionic systems.It may have direct practical applications, such as new hybrid materials able to transmit, receive and interpret signals.This will be helpful as the Micromachines created from bionic and electronic components could be ...