Decoding dreams

Dreams are the mysterious parts of our life.
Brain connects sensory information from the environment to our experiences in our lives resulting in our perceptions, emotions, and memories.Whenever we sleep our mind enters into another world.The brain is known to be active in dream state constantly creating an environment and changing it which are dreams.Sleep helps in restoring our brain health, make our memories stronger and helps in problem-solving.

Researchers at MIT, believe that meanings of dreams can be found out by studying the activity of the brain in hippocampus.hippocampus is a place where brain stores memories of specific events.Researchers have begun to decode the activity of the brain when it learns something new.Neuroscientists know that memory is enhanced when we are asleep.
But the question that arises is how memory formation takes place when our brain is practically blocked from the practical world?

Encrypted Memories

Scientists say that memories are hidden when we are in a dream and therefore different tools for studying hippocampus activity is necessary.When we sleep our brain kind of encrypts the memories formed which needs to have a careful study to understand the formation of memories while we are asleep.

The Climax

Therefore different tools are being developed to understand the formation of memory in particular memory formation while we are asleep.Researchers believe that new discoveries can help us learn more about the formation of memories, transfer of information between different regions of the brain.


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