Diabetes And Obesity can cause Cancer

Diabetes and obesity are both deadly.With the rapid rise in technology and busy schedule, most of us suffer from diabetes or obesity.Global Diabetic Statistics shows that nearly 1 in 11 adults have diabetes.Nearly 12% of global health expenditure or nearly 673 billion dollars is being spent on curing Diabetes.Obesity is scary too.According to the data from NHANES, nearly 2 in 3 adults were considered to be obese.

But, now researchers have Imperial College London have found that Diabetes And obesity together account for more cancer deaths.Researchers collected data from nearly 175 countries on 12 different types of cancer.They found that nearly 800,000 cancer deaths were reported.

As individual risk factors, obesity is considered twice as much as risky as diabetes.544,300 cases of cancer were reported due to obesity while  280,100 cases were reported due to diabetes.

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Cancers caused due to obesity and diabetes were almost twice as common in women than in men, accounting for 496,700 and 295,900 cases respectively.The most common type of cancer was liver cancer among men which accounted for 42.8% and Colorectal Cancer accounted for 21.4 %.In women breast cancer was the common type of cancer followed by endometrial cancer, accounting for 29.7% and 24.5% of cases reported respectively.

Researchers say that the distinct features of cancer patients are evolving throughout the world.In the past, smoking was the major risk factor for cancer, but now diabetes and overweight also have increased the risk of cancer.


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