Do Animals have dangerous dreams

Animals dream too!!!!
Human beings dream and when they wake up we hardly remember the things that happened in our dreams.
Dreams occur mainly in different stages, mainly from slow sleep to REM sleep(Rapid Eye movement) where dreams occur.

So, do animals dream in the same way we do??
We have dreams on cars, our spouses and sometimes about the things that scare us(not ghosts).So, animals dream about their spouses too??

Animals have complex dreams which are very similar to the world they run, sit idle and about the things they do in the real world.
MIT researchers recorded the sleep of "rats" and found about 40 REM episodes.The interesting fact was that the animals would repeat the sequences again and again.

While half of those sequences were about the situations where animals were walking, sitting idle and having fun(You know what I'm talking).The amazing fact is that that the animals recollected those moments at the same speed at which those things happened in real life.

In the previous research, it was assumed that species such as chimps and dolphins were capable of remembering and evaluating their dreams in detailed form.But, this research sheds light on how animals are capable of re-evaluating their life experiences in midst of a dream.
The researchers believe that this research can be helpful in identifying the assumptions of the human brain and can be helpful in understanding the intelligent and complex functionality of the brain.


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