How can foot ulcers in diabetic patients be detected??

Foot ulcers are mainly caused due to improper handling of diabetes which could lead to many complications.Foot ulcers are very painful as they are formed mainly by breaking down of tissues and layers underneath the skin.If they are improperly handled they cause serious problems.
But,  Jon Bloom, an anesthesiologist at MIT seems to have found a solution for this serious problem.

Mr.Blooms' startup Podimetrics is believed to have developed a smart mat that would detect the foot ulcers at its initial stages.Diabetes is destroying our lives.With more than 100 million citizens suffering from the United States alone.Diabetes is a very dangerous disease and if it is properly not handled, it may lead to several complications.

How Does Smart Mats Work???

Smart mat is equipped with the sensors that could detect minute fluctuations in heat around your foot and these sensors are responsible for detecting ulcers.All you need to do is to stand on the mat for 20 seconds and if irregularities in the temperature of your foot are found, then an alert is sent to your physician who can start your treatment.

Importance Of Smart Mats

When they are formed, they have a high probability of infection.It is to be believed that around 80% of amputations in diabetic patients are due to foot ulcers.As the identification time and the treatment costs are very high, smart mats can be a viable solution.According to a study in 2014 published in Diabetic care,, ulcers can add up to 13 billion dollars to diabetic treatment costs.

Traditionally foot ulcers can be known only when an open sore has developed, by the time is already dangerous.Smart Mats can be a great invention for knowing the formation of foot ulcers before they become dangerous.


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