Smart Lens
Gone are the days when you had to visit the nearest doctor in order to correct your eyesight.The era of the smartphone has changed the way we live.An MIT spinout Eyenetra believes that it can change the world by a smart lens technology which is integrated into your phone.According to a report by the WHO, uncorrected refractive errors are the world's second-highest cause of blindness.
The startup Eyenetra is working closely with Virtual Realty companies to use their tech as vision correcting technology.The device called Netra is a plastic binocular-like headset.Users can use their smartphone and connect with the startup's app and peer through the headset at the phone's display.
The company launched a service called blink which uses the tools of EyeNetra to provide refractive test services in NewYork.The company launched with the name Nayantara in India to do the same.EyeNetra was specifically designed to encounter this problem as most people couldn't afford healthcare.
The startup Eyenetra is working closely with Virtual Realty companies to use their tech as vision correcting technology.The device called Netra is a plastic binocular-like headset.Users can use their smartphone and connect with the startup's app and peer through the headset at the phone's display.
The company launched a service called blink which uses the tools of EyeNetra to provide refractive test services in NewYork.The company launched with the name Nayantara in India to do the same.EyeNetra was specifically designed to encounter this problem as most people couldn't afford healthcare.
The Optimizer
Generally, we are asked to read a particular set of words in order find out the errors in our eyesight.Prescription screens can make virtual devices more form-fitting and comfortable experience.This can also help in solving the large issue of alignments.Aligning the Eyes glasses, Prescription lens and virtual reality device need to be perfectly aligned in order for the user to enjoy it.If glasses shift, for instance, the user may experience a headache, nausea, and fatigue.
EyeNetra has teamed up with LV Prasad Eye Institue, Lotus Eye Institue among other clinical partners to conduct tests.EyeNetra now aims to consumerize the health sector and allow access to innovative medical tools.
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