Why Intelligence wont depend on IQ test from now on

"Talent wins games, TeamWork And Intelligence wins Championships"
                                                                                                                            - Micheal Jordan

Being intelligent is a gift as it lets us to solve may problems and think effectively.But how do we know that a person is intelligent?
Of course, the achievements are considered to be a sign of intelligent but, how does brain functions or works if it is an intelligent one.   

Scientists at The University of Cambridge have found a way to know what is the reason behind the intelligence.It's been a mystery to find the reason behind the intelligence.But, now the brain mapping techniques have figured a way out.The team compared the brains of 296 typical adolescent volunteers.The team used 3T MRI scanners where 3T  represents the magnetic field and also Siemens 7T MRI scanner to have accurate readings.

The readings made it possible to calculate the multiple features of the brain and the connections to the different places.The connection between the different regions of the brain is called hubs.The humbleness of the brain is said to have a very close link to the intelligence of a person.Scientists say that the dense population of hubs is significant reason behind your intelligence.The more humbleness the more is your intelligence.Researchers used morphometric similarity networks to find out the humbleness.

The scientists predict that this technique could be helpful in predicting the intelligence of a person rather than relying on traditional techniques like IQ tests.

But, few questions go unanswered like why few people have denser hubs while some don't have?
Is it in their genes or is it due to the conditions they grew??

Only time can tell us how our brain functions...


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