Brain Pattern May underlie Dyslexia

The inability to interpret the words is called Dyslexia.Children suffering from dyslexia generally tend to have problems while interpreting words.The possibility of having dyslexia is very high.One in five students is known to be suffering from dyslexia.The reason behind the dyslexic students helps us in the better understanding and eventually will help in their treatment.

MIT scientists have identified a distinctive brain pattern which tells why dyslexic people have the inability to read and interpret new words.The ability to learn new things is mainly due to the plasticity of the brain.The study on dyslexic brains suggests that there is a decrease in the plasticity of the brain.


The MIT scientists used MRI scans of young students who have a difficulty in learning.The words were either read or listened with the help of speakers.The MRI scans show distinctive patterns in the brain activity.In nondyslexic people, areas of the brain that are involved in language showed neural adaptation while the students suffering from dyslexia.

The researchers find out that the neurons that respond to a particular sensory input usually react strongly at first but their response becomes muted while input continues.Scientists say that the neural adaptation of the dyslexic people is less compared to nondyslexic people.

Whenever we do something for the first time we learn how to do it.And when you were asked to do that again you can do that easily because you have done it before.But, in the dyslexic people, this ability is reduced.

The researchers say that this study helps in understanding the true characteristics and properties of neurons in certain parts of our brain.


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