
Showing posts from January, 2018

How does communication breakdown occur in Autism

Autistic children have a problem while communicating with others.But, it is still unclear why this happens.The important question is Are poor social skills are associated with Autism or do autistic children suffer from special linguistic disorders?? Researchers at MIT have found that the children suffering from Autism generally find it difficult to understand some of the grammar.The children suffered from Autism were unable to understand reflexive pronouns.This tells us that the children suffering from Autism indeed may suffer from a biological disorder. In order to find out the reason behind this, they first considered the learning stages in children.Researchers believe that the creation of a timeline will help them in understanding the learning stages of autistic children.Until recently they found that the learning stages of autistic children will be different from that of a typical child.The inability to understand some grammatical constructions has led to better understanding...

Is Autism due to the inability to predict events??

Our Brain is a complex machine with millions of operations being performed to keep our lives moving.Autism is one of the few disorders that can change the way the brain works.Autism is characterized by various symptoms like hypersensitivity to sound, repetitive behavior and difficulty in interacting with others.MIT scientists have put forth a new study that suggests that Autism is due to inability to predict the events.Scientists say that for an autistic child the world may seem magical due to their inability to predict the events.Based on the reports from the parent's autistic children insisted in a very controlled and predictable environment. Most people have the ability to predict the events based on the previous interactions with the person.But, the autistic children may be unable to predict the event.To find the reason behind this reason, researchers found that components of the brain like basal ganglia, the nucleus accumbens, and cerebellum.These structures were found to b...

Machine Learning can Make You Healthier

21st century is full of machine lerning and artificial intelligence.Sooner or later, machines will be able to think efficiently and faster than us.Our Brain looks like perfectly coded machine which perceives,processes and transmits information.Machine learning is evolving and now consumer decision with messy data can be handled carefully. How does this help HealthCare?? HealthCare is a major issue with many countries unable to provide basic healthcare.Choosing the right medicine is always a tricky one.Many forums and blogs are flooded with questions from consumers about choosing the right medicine.MIT spinout dMetriics believes that this information is a treasure trove for healthcare.The startup has developed a platform called Decision Making which uses machine learning and language processing. How Does It Work??? Let's imagine that a person wants to know about drug C  and the expression goes in this way "I was prescribed by the doctor to use drug A, but after ...

Smart Lens

Gone are the days when you had to visit the nearest doctor in order to correct your eyesight.The era of the smartphone has changed the way we live.An MIT spinout  Eyenetra believes that it can change the world by a smart lens technology which is integrated into your phone.According to a report by the WHO, uncorrected refractive errors are the world's second-highest cause of blindness. The startup Eyenetra is working closely with Virtual Realty companies to use their tech as vision correcting technology.The device called Netra is a plastic binocular-like headset.Users can use their smartphone and connect with the startup's app and peer through the headset at the phone's display . The company launched a service called blink which uses the tools of EyeNetra to provide refractive test services in NewYork.The company launched with the name Nayantara in India to do the same.EyeNetra was specifically designed to encounter this problem as most people couldn't afford health...

Galaxies caught in a starbusting merger

Two galaxies were caught colliding with each other releasing massive amounts of energy and starlight in the early universe.These massive and hyperluminous galaxies are very rare at this period of time.Astronomers speculate that this massive merger may be going on to become one of the massive structures in the universe. The two galaxies named horse and dragon or collectively called ADFS-27 system are 12.7 billion light years away from earth.At this distance, researchers are viewing it as it was when the universe was 1 billion years old. The researchers believe that these galaxies should have been dense part of the universe during this time.The galaxies were spotted by ESA's Herschel Space Observatory and then analyzed by APEX(Atacama Pathfinder Experiment) and ALMA.The research team also included physicists from Imperial College of London.The observations made by ALMA indicates that the ADFS-27 system should have 50 times the amount of star gas milky way had. The Galaxies ...

How to Stay Anonymous Online

Staying Anonymous online is safe to use when you dont want your presence in Internet to be found.Staying anaonymous online can protect people living under repressive regimes. But many vulnerabilities in some the popular networks like Tor, has raised eyebrows. How does it work?? The importance of system lies in the series of servers called mixnet.The server changes the oreder of information from one point to another.Imagine there are three friends,Bruce,Clark and Stark searching on Google.The information sent be 1,2,3 repectively.The information received by the servers can 1,3,2 or 3,2,1 or in any order.Then the information sent by the second server can modify the pattern of information being sent and can be of order 2,3,1 or 2,1,3 and so on.This is process of alterations keeps on continuing. A bad event for  example which had tracked the origin points of these messages would have no idea of the time and the pattern in which the messages have exited the last server.This kind...

Diabetes And Obesity can cause Cancer

Diabetes and obesity are both deadly.With the rapid rise in technology and busy schedule, most of us suffer from diabetes or obesity.Global Diabetic Statistics shows that nearly 1 in 11 adults have diabetes.Nearly 12% of global health expenditure or nearly 673 billion dollars is being spent on curing Diabetes.Obesity is scary too.According to the data from NHANES, nearly 2 in 3 adults were considered to be obese. But, now researchers have Imperial College London have found that Diabetes And obesity together account for more cancer deaths.Researchers collected data from nearly 175 countries on 12 different types of cancer.They found that nearly 800,000 cancer deaths were reported. As individual risk factors, obesity is considered twice as much as risky as diabetes.544,300 cases of cancer were reported due to obesity while  280,100 cases were reported due to diabetes. Be Careful Cancers caused due to obesity and diabetes were almost twice as common in women than in men, a...

How does Brain make emotional decisons

(This picture represents nerve connections, Source: MIT researchers) Did you ever consider your choices when they had both positive and negative outcomes?? We all have to make choices in our life where our options have both sweetness and spice. It's like working in a city far from your family or you still can choose to live with your family at less salary. Our brain is made up of many neural circuits that help in decision making. MIT researchers have identified the neural circuit which is the reason behind such choices and are hoping that their analysis will help in treating psychiatric disorders.Researchers believe that psychiatric disorders which include decision making, depression, and schizophrenia can be treated. The Research In order to know more about the findings, the researchers created a maze for rodents.Rodents would have to choose to have the chocolate they like but it had high lighting effect while other side had a weak chocolate with dim light. The rese...

Psychedelic Drugs to Help The Fight Against Depression

Feeling lonely?? Feeling suicidal?? Feeling sad and hopelessness?? These might a few signs of depressions that people handle.No wonder that it destroys a person's life.They just take away our happiness and leave us in the world of sadness and hopelessness. But, researchers now at Imperial College of London have found an alternative for depression.The traditional way to tackle depression involves the usage of Anti- depressing drugs that help in suppressing emotions. But the problem with these drugs is that these drugs suppress emotions both happy and sad ones.While depressed ones need happiness to recover, these drugs can sometimes suppress them too.The researchers at Imperial College of London found that usage of psychedelic drugs can help us recover without dampening the brain's activity. Treating Depression Psychedelic Drugs like Magic mushrooms were known to have psilocybin an active compound which helps in alleviating symptoms in patients suffering from the sev...

Presence of Antimatter has been found near earth

A recent study in Science has confirmed the presence of positrons(Antimatter particles of the electron) near earth.First, it was believed to be due to the collapse of stars far away.But, it seems to be impossible as particles couldn't  have traveled as far as earth.So, now pulsars are being blamed for the antimatter particles. To find how these positrons are present near earth HAWC Observatory is used.This observatory is used for finding the direction and energy of the incoming light in the form of high energy gamma rays.In order to learn more HAWC collaborated with Stanford researchers and they developed a software to combine the data from the Fermi gamma rays space telescope with other instruments. How does it work?? The Fermi telescope works in 2 instruments 1.The Gamma Ray Burst monitor 2.Large Area Telescope(LAT) Even though these instruments exist on the same telescope, bringing the data together had its own set of challenges.As the sensitivity ...

Decoding dreams

Dreams are the mysterious parts of our life. Brain connects sensory information from the environment to our experiences in our lives resulting in our perceptions, emotions, and memories.Whenever we sleep our mind enters into another world.The brain is known to be active in dream state constantly creating an environment and changing it which are dreams.Sleep helps in restoring our brain health, make our memories stronger and helps in problem-solving. Researchers at MIT, believe that meanings of dreams can be found out by studying the activity of the brain in hippocampus.hippocampus is a place where brain stores memories of specific events.Researchers have begun to decode the activity of the brain when it learns something new.Neuroscientists know that memory is enhanced when we are asleep. But the question that arises is how memory formation takes place when our brain is practically blocked from the practical world? Encrypted Memories Scientists say that memories are hidden w...

How can foot ulcers in diabetic patients be detected??

Foot ulcers are mainly caused due to improper handling of diabetes which could lead to many complications.Foot ulcers are very painful as they are formed mainly by breaking down of tissues and layers underneath the skin.If they are improperly handled they cause serious problems. But,  Jon Bloom, an anesthesiologist at MIT seems to have found a solution for this serious problem. Mr.Blooms' startup Podimetrics is believed to have developed a smart mat that would detect the foot ulcers at its initial stages.Diabetes is destroying our lives.With more than 100 million citizens suffering from the United States alone.Diabetes is a very dangerous disease and if it is properly not handled, it may lead to several complications. How Does Smart Mats Work??? Smart mat is equipped with the sensors that could detect minute fluctuations in heat around your foot and these sensors are responsible for detecting ulcers.All you need to do is to stand on the mat for 20 seconds and if irr...

Why Intelligence wont depend on IQ test from now on

"Talent wins games, TeamWork And Intelligence wins Championships"                                                                                                                             - Micheal Jordan Being intelligent is a gift as it lets us to solve may problems and think effectively.But how do we know that a person is intelligent? Of course, the achievements are considered to be a sign of intelligent but, how does brain functions or works if it is an intelligent one.    Scientists at The University of Cambridge have found a way to know what is the reason behind the intelligence.It's been a mystery to find the reason behind the intelligence.But, n...

AI can now detect your moods

Feeling excited about the party tomorrow night? or feeling sad about your breakup? Don't worry now, AI can detect your moods with the interactions you make.In our lives, we come across many people with whom we had bitter fights.Sometimes our conversations can be misinterpreted and we are blamed for something we never meant.Understanding human conversations is a crucial part of our living.Today, with the technology we have, we can find the solution for avoiding misinterpretations.Researchers at MIT have created an artificial intelligence that will identify the emotions with the conversations and text transcriptions and psychological signals with an accuracy of 83%. How is this helpful??? This wearable device lets you interact better with your colleagues.It can detect emotions like happiness, sadness, and anger.For example, low monotonous sounds are associated to be with sadness.While fast and energetic sounds were associated with happiness.The researchers believe tha...

Now Babies Can tell You how desperate you are

Babies are cutest of all.The innocence and the beauty of the babies make our lives happy.Although,little is known about the things that happens to the brain of an infant child.But, research now tells that babies can indeed identify how badly we need things.The research done by MIT and Harvard University tells us that Babies can assess "how willing you are to achieve your goal" Its indeed fascinating because a ten month old baby is neither good at communications nor expert in logical reasoning.The researchers say that babies acquiure an early intuition about how people make their decisions with their ability to integrate the pros and cons. Baby Calculations So,how does a baby know???  Previously research showed us that adults ans older children know how bad you want things by looking at the effort you put into that.Researchers believe that it helps in identifying common sense on which most of us rely on.Studies suggest that there is a deep connection in the way we...

Do Animals have dangerous dreams

Animals dream too!!!! Human beings dream and when they wake up we hardly remember the things that happened in our dreams. Dreams occur mainly in different stages, mainly from slow sleep to REM sleep(Rapid Eye movement) where dreams occur. So, do animals dream in the same way we do?? We have dreams on cars, our spouses and sometimes about the things that scare us(not ghosts).So, animals dream about their spouses too?? Hmmm.....No Animals have complex dreams which are very similar to the world they run, sit idle and about the things they do in the real world. MIT researchers recorded the sleep of "rats" and found about 40 REM episodes.The interesting fact was that the animals would repeat the sequences again and again. While half of those sequences were about the situations where animals were walking, sitting idle and having fun(You know what I'm talking).The amazing fact is that that the animals recollected those moments at the same speed at which those ...

How early stone detection in kidneys can be helpful??

A common kidney disease that causes unimaginable pain and leaves us with no choice, but surgery. But, an early detection of stones in the kidney can perhaps increase your chances.The  researchers at National Univerity of  Singapore have opened up the possibility of better kidney stone detection or Nephrolithiasis.With the recurring rate of 35- 40% after the period of 5 years, kidney stones are dangerous. The modern lifestyle has definitely increased the chances of kidney stone.But, its development was still unclear. In the experiment, the urine samples of 50 healthy individuals and 50 kidney stone patients were taken.The research showed that a group of small molecular metabolites was found in the sample of kidney stone patients in very low concentrations. With this, the researchers have developed an innovative method of detecting the kidney stones with high accuracy.The excretion levels of these molecues could be helpful in detecting the kidney stones and early me...

Why dont we die when we starve??

Starving for 5 hours?? Your stomach is craving for your attention and yet you ignore it as you need to wake up to make your breakfast. See, this is a classic example of  laziness in human beings.When this happens, how does your body feed your stomach?? Fats, a boon that prevents us from dying.To keep human brain charged with energy, we need to supply our stomach with suffcient food,which are broken into simple molecules and energy is supplied.But,when its fails to happen our body will be start using the skeletal muscles which can be catastrophic. Scientists have thought that the fats in our body are converted into energy only by the presence of insulin.But, a new study done by Yale university confirms that Leptin is responsible for the transition. Leptin is component of fat cells which is in a key position in biological process. But,how does it happen???? When we start starving our body starts to function, such that the plasma leptin levels fail, which makes the fats...

Did Mars change

The red planet is being considered as a viable alternative for humans to survive.Although many space organizations are racing towards mars, little is known about the presence of life on Mars. The existence of life can be proved if the presence of water is known.The presence of water on Mars is known and we all know that water was long gone.The disappearance of water has raised many questions.Different theories have been proposed, this time scientists from Oxford department of earth sciences propose that reaction of water with Martian surface has led to its disappearnce. Previous theories suggest that the water from the surface was lost either with the collapse of magnetic field or its exposure to high intensity solar flares.But, these theories could'nt explain the disappearnece of water. Scientist at Oxfor department of earth sciences, convinced by the the Planet's minerology started experimenting with rocks on earth and calculate how much water could be removed by the...

Can We restore our lost memories????

Memories form our life. You may not agree with me, but the time we enjoy with our friends, our first love, our parents, our dog and everything you have experienced in your life are just memories. But, to those suffering from Alzheimer's' disease memories are lost. Terrible right?? They are kind of losing their lives. But, neuroscientists at MIT found a way to find those lost memories.In their publication, they suggest that the people suffering from Alzheimer's are able to create new memories just like normal people, but after some time, those memories are lost. The researchers have identified that our brain stores specific memories in the hippocampus.Researchers have also shown that those memories can be altered or create false memories or retrieve them. To study the symptoms, mice where genetically designed and were placed in a chamber. They were given footshocks and it was found that the normal mouse showed a sense of fear while mice with Alzheimer's did...

Can computers create things which Are only theoretically described

Modern world is filled with some breath taking and terrifying possibilities.The rise of machines is particularly due to fact that machines could think which can help in improving production even more.The sensors in our smartphones,cars and the perfect analysis of components done by machines in production can be pointing towards a a world where everything is made by machines. Recent research done by the MIT scientists confirm this fact, that a artificial intelligence system can be created which collects the things it needs from the scientific papers to make a particular product. Neural Networks Traditionally, neural networks are used for solving these kind of problems which uses huge data and solves problems.The inputs given to the machine are mainly in the form of vectors which is made of numbers.Each number represents a particular feature of the vector. The Climax Neural Networks are typically arranged in the form of layers and information is fed.The info given to the...

How does brain recognize new places

The survival of human beings is mainly dependent on the ability to think.But whenever we visit a new place how does our brain know?? Our brain is made of billions of neurons which are connected to each other.A group of MIT researchers found out that our brain indeed creates a new location for storing new memories.  Our brain can process new images just within 13 milliseconds.  Fascinating right?? The amount of Time our brain takes to process new things is very less.MIT  neuroscientists found that whenever our eyes see a new location, our visual receptors send that information like shape, colour, size while the brain thinks and arranges them to form something meaningful.A small region of  brainstem called locus coeruleus   is activated by novel sensory stimuli leading to dopamine flow and  BANG!! new memory location is created. The study is interesting as it would open up new areas where our brain's function is still unclear.Studie...

5 Ways to become smarter everyday

5 Ways to become Smarter every day Have you ever wondered why successful people tend to achieve more even when their problems increase. Do you know why successful ones are better than you? Well, you are about to find the answer to your question. 1.Write down This may seem a bit odd for most of you.But, trust me it is very important.Start by taking down the important things that you wanna do in your life.When you are done with it, start listing out your priorities among those things and strike the rest of the list.As you keep prioritizing your goals, you will know what to focus on.Human Brain can focus only on one thing.That's why, you must focus on one big thing rather than thousands of small things. 2.Hang out With Smart Ones. "You are the average of the 5 friends you hang out with" The people around you will always be instrumental in your success.When you want to become smart, you must start to think like them to achieve success in your life.When most o...